Does your system suffer from any of the following?
- Dirty black or brown water present when bleeding radiators.
- Radiators slow to heat up due to blockage.
- Radiators cold all over due to blocked valves and pipes.
- Radiators cold at bottom due to black sludge build up.
- Irritating boiler noise from sludge or lime scale build up – a warning sign of imminent costly problems.
- Little or no hot water due to blocked pipes and heat exchangers.
- Boiler cutting out and no circulation due to blocked pump.
- Radiators cold at top and need bleeding due to gases, a by product of rusting.
- Having to bleed radiators regularly.
- Pin holed leaking radiators.
The Solution
We can carry out a powerflush without any mess or major upheaval due to our Kamco power flush machine which enables us to connect to your system either by removing the heating pump or a radiator, which means we can flush the whole system without having to remove additional radiators.
As can be seen from the picture on the right, two strong magnetic filters which are fitted inline with the machine, catch and trap any sludge which pass them removing the iron oxide (sludge) out of your system.
Our Kamco power flush Machine works on high flow rates and not high pressure which greatly reduces the risk of leaks.
Whilst flushing we add a sludge remover chemical which dissolves and mobilises the rust, sludge and corrosion deposits which accumulate in systems as a result of gradual decay. Once we have all the sludge removed from your heating system and on our magnetic filter we then flush with clean water until each radiator runs clear and the PH levels are correct, we then neutralise and inhibit your system.
We are a user of Kamco powerflush equipment and have successfully completed their training course.
All boiler manufacturers now advise that heating systems should be flushed on new boiler installations. If this is not carried out it can invalidate the boiler warranty.